
Lifeguard News

Opioid Overdose: Additional Independent Resources

BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) Opioid overdose snapshot

Maps and infographics:

B.C. Coroner’s Report: Drug related deaths 2012 – 2020  (Posted April 2020)

Canadian Institute of Health Information: Opioids in Canada (March 2020)

US Department of Health and Human Services (September 2019)
Non-fatal Opioid Overdose and Associated Outcomes: Final Summary Report

Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General, BC Coroners Service (August 2019).
Fentanyl-Detected Illicit Drug Toxicity Deaths (2012-2019)

Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General, BC Coroners Service (July 2019)
Illicit Drug Deaths with Methamphetamine Involved (2008-2017)

Vancouver Sun, Zak Vascera. (July 3, 2019)
Vancouver police fentanyl seizures more than doubled in 2018

Statistics Canada. Canadian Community Health Survey, 2018. (June 2019)
10 percent of Canadians using pain medication report problematic use of opioid medications

BC Centre for Disease Control. B.C. Provincial Overdose Cohort. (May 2019)

BC Centre for Disease Control. (May 2019) B.C. Provincial Overdose Cohort
Update to public health stakeholders about a change to the B.C Provincial Overdose Cohort and Overdose Surveillance case definition

Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions. Office of the Provincial Health Officer. B.C.`s Public Health Emergency Progress Update on B.C.`s Response to the Opioid Overdose Crisis November 18 – February 19, 2019.

Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General, BC Coroners Service. (September 2018)
Illicit Drug Overdose Deaths in BC: Findings of Coroner’s Investigations

Harm Reduction Journal: Evaluation of a fentanyl drug checking service for clients of a supervised injection facility, Vancouver, Canada (September 2018)

Nearly all drugs sold as heroin in Vancouver contain fentanyl, study finds (Aug 2018)

NIH: Evidence synthesis – The opioid crisis in Canada: a national perspective (June 2018)

BC Centre on Substance Use: Drug checking reveals more than half of all substances on the street not what expected (May 2018)

BC Centre for Disease Control. PHSA. (March 2018) Analyzing patterns of health care utilization among people who overdose from illegal drugs in British Columbia.

Ministry of Justice, Office of the Chief Coroner. (July 2017)
Preventing Pharmaceutical Opioid-Associated Mortality in British Columbia

VPD: The Opioid Crisis, the need for treatment on demand (2017, first responder’s viewpoint)