How old are you? * Please Choose... Under 18 Years Old 18-24 Years Old 25-34 Years Old 35-44 Years Old 45-54 Years Old 55-64 Years Old 65-74 Years Old 75 Years or Older Prefer Not to Say
What is your current gender identity? * Please Choose... Man Woman Trans Man Trans Woman Two-Spirit Gender Non-Conforming Other Prefer Not to Say
Please specify your current gender identity *
Are you currently employed? * Please Choose... Yes (Paid Volunteer) Yes (Part-Time) Yes (Full-Time) No Prefer Not to Say
What is your current living situation? * Please Choose... Private Residence (Alone) Private Residence (with Others) Hotel/Motel Rooming House/SRO Social/Supportive Housing Other Prefer Not to Say
Please specify your current living situation *
What types of drugs do you typically take? * Please Choose... Downers (Heroin/Fentanyl) Uppers (Meth, Crack, Cocaine) Prefer Not to Say
What is your preferred method of using drugs? * Please Choose... Smoking/Inhalation Snorting Injecting Swallowing It Depends on the Substance/Setting No Preference Other Prefer Not to Say
Please specify your preferred method of using drugs *
How often do you use drugs alone? * Please Choose... Never Occasionally Often Always Prefer Not to Say
In the last 6 months, have you accidentally overdosed? * Please Choose... Yes No I Don't Know Prefer Not to Say
Do you have a Naloxone/Narcan kit? * Please Choose... Yes No, but I want one. No, I don't want one. Prefer Not to Say
Do you use harm reduction supplies? * Please Choose... Yes No
Do you know how to access harm reduction supplies in your area? Please Choose... Yes No
Please specify why you use Lifeguard App *
Do you access treatment services? * Please Choose... Yes No
Do you know how to access treatment services in your area? Please Choose... Yes No
Why do you use Lifeguard App? * Please Choose... I am using drugs Supporting family and friends Connecting to support services To receive drug alerts Work related purposes Prefer Not to Say
How did you hear about Lifeguard App? * Please Choose... Word of mouth Social media In the news Radio ad Community Staff Other I Don't Know
Please specify how you heard about Lifeguard App *
How can we improve Lifeguard App?